
Monday, January 1, 2007

How much pus is acceptable in milk?

I know. You are thinking, "WHAT!??!! Pus in my milk? What is she talking about?". Well, yes Virginia, there is pus in your milk.

How does it get there?
Cows now produce more milk than is natural due to growth hormones and genetic engineering. This causes them to often have infections of the udders called Mastitis. "When they are milked, pus and bacteria from the infection flow right along with the milk. ... Researchers estimate that an ordinary glass of milk contains between one and seven drops of pus. This isn’t just disgusting—it can also be dangerous. Pus can contain paratuberculosis bacteria, which are believed to cause Crohn’s disease in human beings. " [1] "The US has the highest rate of Crohn’s ever recorded. The US also has the worst epidemic of a similar disease among cattle, called Johne’s disease ... There is now growing ... evidence that this bacteria is the cause of Crohn’s in people who drink milk from infected cows." [2]

How much pus is in the milk?
The diary industry uses something called the somatic cell count to measure amounts of pus in the milk. "Any milk with a somatic cell count of higher than 200 million per liter should not enter the human food supply, according to the dairy industry... every state but Hawaii is producing milk with pus levels so high that it shouldn’t enter the human food supply!" [1] The national average is 322 million. The US allows double the amount that other countries allow and the milk produced in our country would be illegal to sell in some other European countries. Oh, and did I mention that the bacteria in the pus survives pasteurization?

How you can avoid drinking pus?
There are plenty of alternatives to cow's milk. If you don't like the taste of soy milk, I suggest you try rice milk. It has a taste and texture very similar to skim milk. And if you need something in your coffee, Silk makes a soy creamer in plain and vanilla flavors.

How can you avoid eating pus?
By now you are hopefully thinking about avoiding milk and you think you'll be free of this worry. You also need to think about cheese. In cheese, the amounts are concentrated. Don't eat cheese. You don't really need it and it is addictive. There are even some nice alternatives out there. Tofutti makes a great soy cream cheese. Here is some more information on living diary-free.

But how much pus is in my state's milk?
Check it out for yourself.

Don't believe me?
Just do a google search. You will find a lot of scientific data that might change your mind. Oh wait, here is a study conducted by the USDA on how to lower the somatic counts.

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  1. What about organic milk? Does it contain pus?

  2. I did actually google this after I replied and found one web site that says it is worse:

    "Non-traditional supplements prohibited by organic rules turn cows into less efficient agricultural units. Sadly, organically raised cows are less healthy and suffer from increased cases of udder inflammation and mastitis. The result is that milk from organically raised cows contains enormous amounts of bacteria."

  3. Thank you. And yikes, not the news I was hoping for...

  4. I thought I had posted about the many reasons that you should find alternatives to drinking cows milk, but it seems that I have not yet posted about this. There are many reasons not to drink milk. There are also many alternatives. I'll talk about both.
