
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tempehtations review

Lightlife put out a new product recently called Tempehtations. It is pre-marinated cubes of tempeh in three different flavors: ginger teriyaki, zesty lemon, and classic bbq. I wanted this be really great and to be the end to pre-steaming tempeh before cooking it.

I got the ginger teriyaki flavor and added it to a stir fry; served over mixed red and white quinoa. We browned the tempeh, removed it from the pan, stir fried vegetables and then added the tempeh back in near the end along with some sauce.

Lightlife Tempehtations taste test

These tempeh cubes were just ok for me. If you don't want to chop up the tempeh and steam it and possibly marinate it, then this will work ok for you. It tastes alright. I'll just take the plain old plain tempeh. I like the plain because I can get it crispier when I brown it. I also had originally bought these to skewer and grill but the cubes were too small to grill.

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